gawd damn, what is this?

jude folly
Aug 14, 2022
Photo by Bakhrom Tursunov on Unsplash

a stench-y, smoldering heap of an essay purporting to show the reader how "fiction is the only way to become a better person."

first breath-taking declaration: "wolves have morals"--a maxim that leans heavily on the uniquely american hostility toward wolves. compared to humans, wolves are haloed saints. compared to american captains of industry who spent the 20th century wrecking the global ecology and exporting gunboat "democracy"--wolves are transfigured founders of religion.

the remainder of this essay reads like a jackson pollock knock off--all blustery splashes of color but no theme or form the writer can hang onto. and least of all, a reason or rationale of how fiction improves one's conduct.



jude folly

jude folly explores politics & human condition in essay, fiction & verse. his writings won’t make you smarter, but they will make you think.